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Diving to a new level...

Experience diving in a different way! The worldwide unique Diving Tower of the DLRG Berlin invites you to a new level of diving experience. Descending in a simulated water depth of 50m you can feel the conditions that are typical for these depths. A professional team will guide you during your tour and will take care of your security.

Contact and Information

Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft
Landesverband Berlin
Tauchturm Berlin
Bundeslehr- und Forschungsstätte (BLFS)
Am Pichelssee 20- 21
D-13595 Berlin

E-Mail: tauchturm(at)berlin.dlrg.de 
Phone: +49 30 / 362 095 - 40 or 50
Fax: +49 30 / 362 095 - 99

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